Integrating sustainable development into vocational education
The European Green Deal programme ongoing in the European Union aims to respond to the threats posed by climate change and environmental contamination and make Europe climate neutral by 2050.
This green transition requires everyone to chip in. As a provider of vocational education, Raseko must also develop in this regard together with working life. We have begun to answer the call by making sustainable development measures visible in our organisation. We have conducted a self-evaluation with our staff and students that reflects the indicators of the OKKA Foundation. From the extensive material we have picked out the themes that serve all groups.

Our main goal is to be a central operator in the region’s circular economy ecosystem and provide our students and corporate partners with ideas and opportunities for sustainable operation. We are engaged in systematic cooperation with companies, universities and other vocational education providers. We are actively and innovatively developing our courses and learning environments.
At Raseko entrepreneurs get to participate in multilevel and multisector cooperation and utilise the Fab Lab digital fabrication environment by participating in the operation of the Solopreneur Academy, for example. We also provide unique training in such fields as clay construction, and we have invested into education on restoration and renovation construction. In addition to engaging in circular economy, we answer the need for energy system renewal by developing skills and management models required in the implementation of solar energy. We are also participating in the development of the regional development plan.
Browse our courses and the projects we are involved in and contact us!