Frequently asked questions
Who can come to Fab Lab? How much does it cost? Where do I book a time? FAQ

Website content
- Who can come to Fab Lab?
- When can I come?
- How skilled do I need to be?
- Where can I get help and guidance?
- Who does what?
- How much does it cost?
- What software is available?
- What are the required file formats?
- Where do I book a time?
- What are the maximum cut/print area sizes of the machines?
Who can come to Fab Lab?
The idea of the Fab Lab concept is that our learning environment is open to everyone. In addition to Raseko students, our facilities can also be used by entrepreneurs and private individuals.
When can I come?
The facilities are open to everyone on Wednesday and Thursday from 14.00 to18.00. Please note that you need to book a time in advance. You can book a time to get to know the facilities or use a machine by sending a message to
How skilled do I need to be?
Our staff will provide guidance with the software and the machines. However, it is a good idea to learn the basics of the software in advance using various tutorials.
You can look for tutorials on the website of each software or e.g. on YouTube or Vimeo. You can find more information on the page entitled Machines, software and instructions. Click on this link to go to the page.
Where can I get help and guidance?
You will never be alone in the Fab Lab, but our staff will be there to guide you around the facilities and help out with the machines and software.
Who does what?
Our activities are based on a Do-It-Yourself approach, so our users usually make their projects independently or with some guidance. You can also inquire about the possibility to have students turn your idea into reality.
How much does it cost?
Making prototypes with the machines at Fab Lab Raseko is free of charge. We only charge you for the materials you use. You can inquire about the current prices from
What software is available?
We have both paid software licenses and free open-source software. View a list of our available software here. You can also utilize prior competence or ask us if you want to use a particular software.
What are the required file formats?
Different machines use different file formats; the most common one in 3D modelling is .stl and in 2D software .pdf. More information about creating files and the file formats used in the machines can be found on our Machines, software and instructions page. Click on this link to go to the page.
Where do I book a time?
You can book a time to use the machines and tour the facility by email from
What are the maximum cut/print area sizes of the machines?
The machines have different specifications. All the details of the machines can be found on our page entitled Machines, software and instructions. Read more by clicking on this link.
Still wondering about something?
Contact us by email at and we will get back to you shortly!