Business collaboration and partnership
Collaboration with the working life plays an important role at Raseko.

Become a partner!
Partnership means deeper, closer and more goal-oriented cooperation between a company and Raseko. The purpose of partnership is to discover synergy and create a win-win situation that benefits both parties.
Partnership gives the company the opportunity to become a part of Raseko’s education and structures. The company benefits from the partnership, for instance by reaching potential future employees through the institution. We work together with our partners to build diverse learning environments and projects where our students are involved.
Business collaboration starts off with everyday partnership and grows deeper with joint activities. Everyday partnership is carried out in practice as cooperation between a teacher and the workplace. The collaboration is usually related to the students’ training and apprenticeship periods.
Deeper, mutually beneficial collaboration is always established by a partnership agreement. The partnership agreement is essentially a statement of intent. Each partnership has a designated contact person who serves as the coordinator of the collaboration within Raseko and towards the company. The aim of the partnership is to strengthen the goals set by both parties.
Examples of collaboration
Collaboration related to studies
- Students’ working life periods and competence demonstrations
- Joint projects and learning assignments
- Study visits to the company
- Cooperation in education
- Scholarships
Employer image marketing and recruitment
- Company presentations at Raseko and company visits to workplaces
- Recruitment through apprenticeship
- Recruitment of seasonal workers
- Participating in events organized by Raseko
- Vocational further education and training for the employees of the company
- Workplace instructor training
- Project activities
- Co-creation
- “Rasenaarit” – our topical seminars for company staff
- “Asiaa ja aamukahvia” – or “Talking business over coffee”, our topical morning coffee events
More information about Business collaboration and partnership
Susanna Saarinen
Account Manager
044 705 7417
Advisory Council activities
Each field of VET has its own Advisory Council that is responsible for maintaining and developing the connections between the education and training consortium and the business sector in the region, consult the working life on their views of competence and educational needs and support educational planning.
In addition to a representative of the consortium who serves as the secretary, the Advisory Council is composed of 4–6 representatives of companies and organizations in the field.
Advisory Council of the Health and Welfare
• Hannele Saarinen, Kotihoito
• Marjo Lammes, Raisio
• Sari Alm, Birgitta-koti
• Ulla-Maija Wilander, Ykköskoti Kirjokallio
• Nelli Lehtonen, Tyks/Sairaalapalvelut
Secretary: Head of Division Heidi Koskela.
Advisory Council of the Mechanical Engineering and Production Technology
• Toni Sorsavirta, Sepima
• Pauli Suojanen, Cargotec
• Marko Setälä, Timeka
• Vikki Tammelin, Turun Asennusteam Oy
Secretary: Development Manager Marko Suominen.
Advisory Council of the Motor Vehicles Sector
• Antti Aali, Keskusautohalli
• Jarmo Lahti, Varsinais-Suomen Autocenter
• Rami Walsten, Turku AMK
• Tero Kylänpää, Volvo Trucks
• Jesse Mäkitalo, Aurinkotien auto
Secretary: Development Manager Marko Sarén.
Advisory Council of the Construction
• Kimmo Lang, Talonrakennusteollisuus
• Risto Valkeejärvi, NCC Rakennus Oy
• Timo Tuominen, TeppMan Oy
• Mauri Mattila, Hartela Oy
• Eetu Törnström, Treeva Rakennus Oy
• Tommi Vilkanen, Rakennustoimisto Lainio-Laivoranta Oy
Secretary: Teacher Olli-Pekka Soittila.
Advisory Council of the Electrical Engineering and Automation Technology
• Tapio Väänänen, Resource Factory
• Reijo Dahlman, EL-Master Oy
• Markus Nukarinen, LST Production Oy
• Marko Vuorenpää, MasterAmp
Secretary: Development Manager Kimmo Keinästö.
Advisory Council of the Restaurant and Catering Services
• Heli Rantala, Naantalin kaupunki
• Mikko Kapanen, Viking Line
• Natalia Korvela, Scandic Hotels
• Susanna Stolpe, Naantalin Metsätähti
• Sanna Kulmala, Pito-Jussi Oy
Secretary: Teacher Marja Kinnunen.
Advisory Council of the Information and Communications Technology
• Kimmo Huotari, Raisio Oyj
• Esa Tervo, Nexifo
• Simo Ala-Nissilä, Zetabyte Oy
Secretary: Development Manager Mikko Karilainen.
Advisory Council of the Cleaning and Property Services
• Jouni Luoma, Varsinais-Suomen Asumisoikeus Oy
• Juha Kangasniemi, Runosmäen lämpö Oy
• Hermanni Uusitalo, Domino-kiinteistöpalvelut Oy
• Antti Hyttinen, Akseli kiinteistöpalvelut Oy
Secretary: Teacher Sami Tähti.
Advisory Council of the Business
• Ami Kalliomäki, TOK
• Mirkku Kinnari, Clas Ohlson
• Erica Ekblom, Suomalainen kirjakauppa
• Jukka Terho, Sometehdas
• Tiia Lehtinen, Silta
• Taina Kaukoranta, Accountor
Secretary: Head of Division Teija Mielonen.
Advisory Council of the Arts and Design
• Lauri Leppänen, Restart Oy
• Jonna Oksanen, Osuuskunta Turun tuulenpesä
• Aleksi Viirilä, Succaplokki Oy
• Eero Kovanen
Secretary: Development Manager Jouni Suvala.
If you are interested in participating in Advisory Council activities, please contact the Secretary of that Advisory Board directly by email: